By Patrick Pike
By Patrick Pike
Israel and the others
The Corsicans, whom I mentioned in a previous post, are undoubtedly contaminated by the terrorist frenzy generated by the paraphrenic of the Kremlin, after the attacks on Israel by the Islamists of Hamas and the bombings by Hezbollah, incited and even directed by the neurotics of Iran, set off their little homemade bombs last night. We can thank them for being more respectful of other people's lives, if not of their property, than the fanatics of all kinds they imitate, who only destroy the empty second homes of their owners after the holidays, unlike the barbarians of this Saturday, who massacred young people dreaming while dancing, killed peaceful residents of Israel and took a hundred hostages, men, women and children. They spread horror and terror.
There can be no doubt that the spiral set in motion at the other end of the Mediterranean is reinforcing the violence that is eating away at humanity today.
So it's not just France that is going backwards. The passivity, or at least the hesitation, of the leaders of the world's major countries in the face of the various belligerents is allowing the factitious to believe that they are above the law. The UN is coming dangerously close to the tragic decline of the League of Nations, which was more concerned with ecological whims than with the excesses of war. With its secretary-general's bluster as effective as a cautery on a wooden leg, everyone is launching their own invasion, coup or aggression, from Russia to Africa via the Arabian Peninsula and perhaps soon to Asia.
De Gaule was right to equip France with a nuclear deterrent, although with the evil genius ruling North Korea, no one is safe from the suppurations of the tumour eating away at his brain. On the other hand, Israel, despite possessing at least 300 nuclear warheads, makes no impression on the Islamists. As for China, which is usually more interested in trade than war, its shows of force are designed to intimidate us.
Meanwhile, right-wing extremists are springing up everywhere, in elections, by-elections or otherwise. Slovakia voted last week for a populist with fascist tendencies, as did Germany, where the fascist AfD won both regional elections this Sunday. The pro-Russian Orban is already in power in Hungary; extreme parties dominate in Italy, Austria, Denmark and Finland. In France, the former National Front has a good chance of winning in 2027. As for the United States, Trump, the belligerent old man, is still applauded despite his legal, moral and financial setbacks.
I would add that in the UK, two populist liars, Johnson and Farrage, have led their fellow citizens down the Brexit cul-de-sac.
The list would be long if I had to go on. To close this chapter on the Israeli crisis, which has claimed hundreds of victims in the Holy Land (holy for all three monotheistic religions) and will claim thousands in Gaza, I would like to quote the succinct analysis of the former Israeli ambassador to France, Elie Barnavi, who, in an article published in Le Monde, asserts that everything was predictable: "Because what we have just suffered is not an act of God. It is the result of the combination of two factors: a fanatical Islamist organisation whose declared aim is the destruction of Israel, and a stupid Israeli policy to which successive governments have clung, and which the latest has made incandescent".
Benyamin Netanyahu is the leader of the Likud, a right-wing party that has become extreme, anti-Palestinian to the extreme and racist. The ultra-orthodoxy that characterises some members of this government is not conducive to the necessary idea of a Palestinian people living in peace alongside an Israeli people.
Hatred breeds hatred. These brother peoples, who only ask to live in peace, are hostages of those who rule them. Terrorists.
This increase in dangers, which we find everywhere, does not reassure us.
Conflicts around the world
Le Plumier© 2023 Patrick Pike